Napisz zaproszenie po angielsku ok. 8 zdań. Organizujecie Dni Kariery w waszej szkole. Napisz zaproszenie dla uczniów. *Napisz gdzie i kiedy odbędzie się impreza *Wyjaśnisz,kto bedzie gościem specjalnym *Zachęcisz uczniów do wzięcia udziału w imprezie
majamalinowska HELLO and welcome to all student for careers day. the party starts at 5:00 pm in the school hall. the main guest will be an engineer from the jaguar factory. Please take part in this because it is a lot of fun and will benefit you in the future
HELLO and welcome to all student for careers day. the party starts at 5:00 pm in the school hall. the main guest will be an engineer from the jaguar factory. Please take part in this because it is a lot of fun and will benefit you in the future