Napisz zaproszenie ! (napisałam kawałek) Dear Natalia.! Hi! I'm wriding to invite you to my party next saturday.My birthday is on wednestay 16 th. January but;m havibg the party on saturday 14 th, Jabuary at 3' clock in the afternoon.
I teraz tak napisz : -Gdzie odbędzie się impreza (w moim domu np. Konwaliowa 6) -Jak bedzie przebiegała impreza (Bedziemy grać w różne gry i brać udział w śmiesznych konkursach. -Napisz ( Proszę o potwierdzenie zaproszenia) -i dalej wiem jak zakończyć :]
Birthday party will take place at my home in the Konwaliowa street, number six. There will be a lot of attractions. We will play many games and participate in some funny competitions. Please confirmate my invite.
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Dear Natalia.! Hi! I'm wriding to invite you to my party next saturday.My birthday is on wednestay 16 th. January but havibg the party on saturday 14 th, Jabuary at 3' clock in the afternoon. They is super party ! Patry they is a my home in adres Konwaliowa 6 In the party pley games
Hi! I'm wriding to invite you to my party next saturday.My birthday is on wednestay 16 th. January but havibg the party on saturday 14 th, Jabuary at 3' clock in the afternoon.
They is super party !
Patry they is a my home in adres Konwaliowa 6
In the party pley games