One dayI wentforholidaywith my parentsover theseato the town ofLeba.I metmybest friend.We decided tospendthe tripin their midst, soI suggestedto herthat wewent to thedunes,and thenwatch thesailsand buyice cream.When we gotto theice cream parlorI realizedthat I haveon handyour favoritebraceletfrom her grandmother,which I gotfor my birthday.We went backtothe same pathtofind her.Unfortunately,we foundnobracelets.I was sad, butneverthelesswenton theice,whenI paidfor theice creamI saw thebraceletonhishandsandeverything isexplainedby chanceI worejewelry onthe otherhand.We are verylaughed, and afterreturning home,we toldallthe parents
One dayI wentforholidaywith my parentsover theseato the town ofLeba.I metmybest friend.We decided tospendthe tripin their midst, soI suggestedto herthat wewent to thedunes,and thenwatch thesailsand buyice cream.When we gotto theice cream parlorI realizedthat I haveon handyour favoritebraceletfrom her grandmother,which I gotfor my birthday.We went backtothe same pathtofind her.Unfortunately,we foundnobracelets.I was sad, butneverthelesswenton theice,whenI paidfor theice creamI saw thebraceletonhishandsandeverything isexplainedby chanceI worejewelry onthe otherhand.We are verylaughed, and afterreturning home,we toldallthe parents