napisz z there is i z there are zdania : 1.w polce nie ma autobusów bez dachu 2.w małkini nie ma sygnalizacji świetlnej 3.moja babcia urodziła się w 1932 roku 4.ludzie mogą przechodzić jezdnią na pasach 5.w warszawie jest duży ruch uliczny 6.w moim mieście są 3 ronda
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.There are no roofless busses in Poland.
2. There are no signal lights in małkini.
3. 1932 there is the year when my grandmather was born.
4. People can cross the street where there is a crosswalk .
5.There is lots of traffic in Warsaw.
6. There are 3 traffic circles in my town.
1.There are no roofless busses in Poland.
2. There are no signal lights in małkini.
3. 1932 there is the year when my grandmather was born.
4. People can cross the street where there is a crosswalk .
5.There is lots of traffic in Warsaw.
6. There are 3 traffic circles in my town