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How can we help our plenet?
Jakmożemy pomóc naszejplenecie?
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Nowadays emition of greehouse gases to the atmosphere is so drastic that we should do something to protect our enviroment. For example we have to recycle rubbish. Plastic with plastic and paper with paper. Second thing is to reduce usage of aerosol sprayes because they are destroying the atmosphere. At last we should rather ride bicycle that drive a car to reduce exhaust fumes.
W dzisiejszych czasach emisja gazow cieplarnianych do atmosfery jest tak ogromna, zepowinnismy cos zrobic, by chronic nasze srodowisko (planete). Np musimy przetwarzac i segregowac smieci - plastik z plastikiem itp. Po drugie powinnismy smniejszyc zuzycie sprayow aerozolowych bo niszcza one atmosfere. Na koniec powinnismy czesciej jezdzic rowerem niz samochodem by zreddukowa wydzielanie spalin.