Napisz wypracowanie po angielsku na temat festivalu na ktorym byles. Napisz co tam zobaczyles.
Few months ago I went to our capital city - Warsaw to see Orange Warsaw Festival. It's one of the biggest music events in Poland. There were so many people, that it was very difficult to find out where is my brother (who I came here with) standing. I was searching for him in the crowd when suddenly all the lights have been switched off. At the first moment I was a little scared, but I came to the conclussion that the event is starting. It was such an amazing feeling to wait for seeing one of my favourite bands called Hurts. They're playing synth pop and indie music. Oh, that was a show! The musicians started to play, the vocalist - Theo started to sing and that was the moment that I will never forget. Thousands of colorful lights imitated shining stars and the music was so good. There were hundreds of people all around me who were having as good time as I. This is the most intensive memory of my life!