Napisz wypracowanie na temat My favourite TV programme
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MonikaagMyfavorite showhas everything. You canwith himto laugh,play,fear,sleep,bored, and much more. The programbegins onThursday at18 to 23in the evening.I can not alwayswatch itbutthe next dayrecords andlaughs.TV(televisionmagazine) -showing thetype ofmagazineseach week(weekly), whosecontentisan accuratedescription of theweeklytelevisionstation identificationsof the radio station(alsolessradio stations).In addition to theweeklytelevisionrepertoireof this typealso containextensivematerialsdziennikarkoand entertainment.Television programsoftenstart fromFriday. nie dam rady napisać 50 zdań ale poproś kogoś o dokończenie . Dzięki
You can with him to laugh, play, fear, sleep, bored, and much more.
The program begins on Thursday at 18 to 23 in the evening. I can not always watch itbut the next day records and laughs. TV (television magazine) - showing the type ofmagazines each week (weekly), whose content is an accurate description of theweekly television station identifications of the radio station (also less radio stations).In addition to the weekly television repertoire of this type also contain extensivematerials dziennikarko and entertainment. Television programs often start fromFriday.
nie dam rady napisać 50 zdań ale poproś kogoś o dokończenie . Dzięki