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I imagine that after 20 years whole world will be totally modern. technology will develop so fast that we will have fly cars, invisble phones, robots who will do homework instead of me or journeys to cosmos. it can be much interesting and i think having a robot friend could be cool thing. in my opinion people wont have a time to play sport or meeting with friends. they will have their owns online friends, with who they can talk without moving from house. for sure that will be more comfortable,but if they stay in house, they become lazy. they will be too lazy to cooking good and healthy food, so im sure that junk food in future will be the top of foods in modern families. everybody knows that junk food isnt good for human organism, so people will get sick fast, many stomach aches and other bad sicknesses. fortunately medicine develope fast in these days so im sure they will find a good medicine for all kind of aches. at the end i think i dont want things from my imagination to happen, and i hope they wont.
nie wiem co dalej, napewno dużo błędów, starał się jak mogłam żeby pomóc ;)