Napisz wypracowanie na temat: ,,Jak wyobrażasz sobie świat za 20 lat". Wypracowanie ma zawierać 110-130 słów. Nie z neta, bo zgłoszę! Za dobre odpowiedzi dam ocenę. Za najlepszą pracę dam naj...
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I think that 20 years later, the whole world is going to be looking diffrent. I think so because just a couple years ago there werent phones with touch screens but now the technology developed so well that we get to have phones with touch screen plus a lot of diffrent stuff. Twenty years later the technology is going to be so well that there are going to be stuff that we didnt even imagine. For exaple foldable phone (which is already made by samsung) and all those kinds of crazy stuff! People are going to change also. Way of thinking, the way of education, the way of living and everything else.