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The world around us is constantly changing, and puts higher demands. Now I do not have enough very good grades in school. People who want to achieve something, you must work together, grow and continue to learn. Currently, it becomes very necessary language skills.The man who for example, seeking for a job that will give him a high salary must meet the expectations of the employer. Browsing the jobs can be concluded that without the knowledge of foreign languages is difficult to find a good job. Most people learn English, which is often required in future work.Foreign languages are useful not only in the workplace. People who go abroad for such a trip also need to know the language of the country where they were going. Knowledge of a foreign language for example, allows them to ask for directions, do some shopping.Recently, more and more young people go abroad in search of work, or in order to study. Knowledge of a foreign language is that people really needed, because without it, it would be difficult to go to another country and learn.Learning foreign languages has become very important for many people. More and more often without their knowing it would be impossible to find a job. People who think about the well-paid occupation, should bet on learning a foreign language, such as English or German. Foreign languages are becoming part of everyday life and help you to understand other people from a foreign country. This is why it is worth to teach them.
Nowadays english language is very needed.
That is why people should learn this language.
If you want to have a good job in future you will have to speak english,mostly if you want to work abroad,for example Great Britain,or Australia.
If you post that your english is advanced, you have more chance to get job.
With english you also can travel around the world and have no worries that you will have any problem,because in every holiday resort or popular tourist destination everybody use that langueage.
With english you can meet new people and make more cool friendships with people from abroad.