Napisz wypracowanie min. 120 słów na temat tego jak przeżywasz ostatnie dni wakacji i pierwsze dni szkoły. PO ANGIELSKU! Help :(
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My holidays was fantastic! I have been with my the best friend in ...(nie wiem tam gdzie byłaś,np. w Paryżu) I really love Paris. That place is beautiful. The trip was great! Recently I was on sleepover in my friend's house. It was great! We were watching scary films. The first days at school wasn't better than my holidays. School it's the time of learn and i don't like do it, becouse this is boring. I have got my good friends at school and they are help me when i need a help. The weather was rainy, but it doesn't destroed my plans and i could go to my friend's party. I hope that the school's time will end quickly.
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