Napisz wspomnienia z ferii. Od 80 słów.
Pamiętaj, że musisz pisać w czasie przeszłym np. play - pleyed, watch - watched.
Dam NAJ!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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podczas feri wybralem sie na wyciag aby pojezdzic na snowbordzie i nartach bylem u babci jezdzilem do kuzynow i kuzynek, czytalem fajne ksiazki ale takze gralem na komputeerze i ogladalem telewizor no i oczywiscie CZYTAŁEM KSIĄŻKI
A i moza jak bys je czytal to bys umial wymyslic te 80 słów
I remember a few days in Zakopane, when I was on winter holidays. It was great! In the morning I usually got up at 7 o'clock. I washed up and then I watched TV. When my parrents got up too, I was waiting for them, and we ate breakfast. Then we went for a walk. After walk we spend time together at home. Then, we went to skiing and we had a lot of fun with it. After skiing usually we walked home. At home we played in a lot of games like Monopoly or Scrabble. Later we ate a dinner, watched TV and finally we went to sleep.