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Hello Marek
How are you ? For me massacre. Recently I wasin England and ....I lost my phone!! Ifell outof his pocketandgot offthe bus.My parentsyelledat me. I can notcallanywhere.I amhelpless.I have to goto the police.
Speak tome.
Your Kacper
Dear John,
How are you doing ? .I am writing to you to tell about something strange. You won't believe .I lost my phone
Last Saturday I was in Cinema and i left my phone on the seat . When iI realised that I lost it I Tried to find it there ,but there was nothing .I was too late. I said about it my parents .They were were angry at first ,but later they said that they would buy me a new one.I was suprised.Till now I don't have it ,but in one week time i will have it .Iam having a lot of problems now , I can't call my girlfriend and play my the best games. I think that i will be the same as I had .
Emal me soon .I miss you