Napisz wiadomość email do koleżanki z Anglii zgodnie z podanymi niżej wskazówkami. Uzupełnij pięć zdań, w których: • zaprosisz koleżankę do kina, podasz dzień i godzinę wyjścia, opiszesz jak trafić do kina z przystanku autobusowego.
hi beth, let's go to the cinema together maybe on the 13th of may? The cinema is very easy to find from the bus stop. from the bus stop cross the rode and go right then keep going forward and you should find it. see you there!
hi beth, let's go to the cinema together maybe on the 13th of may? The cinema is very easy to find from the bus stop. from the bus stop cross the rode and go right then keep going forward and you should find it. see you there!