Contestentry form Detailsof the CompetitionParticipant(pleasefill in allfields) Name........ Address for correspondence........... Your phone number (landlineandmobile).......... E-mail.......
statements FirstI declare thatI am the authorof the competitionanddeclaredthatit will not affectany rightsof thirdpersons,orapplicable law. SecondI have readand accept theprovisions of theCompetition Rules
Contestentry form
Detailsof the CompetitionParticipant(pleasefill in allfields)
Address for correspondence...........
Your phone number (landlineandmobile)..........
FirstI declare thatI am the authorof the competitionanddeclaredthatit will not affectany rightsof thirdpersons,orapplicable law.
SecondI have readand accept theprovisions of theCompetition Rules
(date and place) (signature ofauthor)