September 2018 1 20 Report

napisz w "reported speech" :

1. "I was playing with my toys when the lights went out," the child said

2. "What is your address? " the secretary asked me

3. "Don't walk on the grass" he said

4. "She hasn't eaten anything today" her mum said

5. Have you seen the new Johnny Depp film? " she asked him.

Spośród tych wyrazów:

"vandalism" , "burglary" , "car theft" "robbery" , "speeding" , "shoplifting"

wpisz w odpowiednie miejsce:

1. Do you know that you can be arrested for .......................... if you spray paint on other people's walls?

2. Did you hear about the bank ...................... that took place last night?

3. I had a friend who was accused of ............................. when she stole a dress from a shop.

4. There was a .............................. last week and the police still haven't found the person who broke into the house.

5. You can protect your cars from ................................. if you have an alarm installed and you park in well-lit areas.

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