Napisz trzy dialogi po 10 wersów każdy związane z ubraniami. (w co mam się ubrać, itp., ma też być coś takiego: ubranie w paski [striped] itd.) Dialogi mają być urozmaicone. PO ANGIELSKU
-Hello Ann ! -Hi ! Max - Are you going to party tonight ? - Yes. But I' ve one big problem . - What's the metter ? - I don't know what I should wear. - Seriously ? Maybe something simple like dress. What do you think about it ? - But which ? Stright blue or maybe corrugated green ? - You should wear a white dress with black spots. - So I think it can be a good idea. - Sorry but I must go . - Ok. See you . - Bay
- Good morning Alex ! -Yeah . Good morning mother . - Why you are so sarcastic ? - Because I have bad night . - Ok. I think that we should talk about it. Tell me more Alex . - Fine. Yesterday I was in night club.. - Where ? Tell again . - In the night club ok ? And I destroyed my favourite skirt. - The blue one ? - Yeah. - Ok. Let's go do some shopping .I will buy you a checkered shirt. - Thanks .
- Hey Patrick ! - Hi Ian! - Did you hear about today's birthday ? - No, I didn't . - Okay I tell you . Monica have today birthday. - What about that ? - We should buy her something. -Maybe some clothes . What do you think. - Nice idea. But which one ? - Yesterday I saw awesome blouse with her favourite band . - Wow . We must buy it . - Let's go !
-Hi ! Max
- Are you going to party tonight ?
- Yes. But I' ve one big problem .
- What's the metter ?
- I don't know what I should wear.
- Seriously ? Maybe something simple like dress. What do you think about it ?
- But which ? Stright blue or maybe corrugated green ?
- You should wear a white dress with black spots.
- So I think it can be a good idea.
- Sorry but I must go .
- Ok. See you .
- Bay
- Good morning Alex !
-Yeah . Good morning mother .
- Why you are so sarcastic ?
- Because I have bad night .
- Ok. I think that we should talk about it. Tell me more Alex .
- Fine. Yesterday I was in night club..
- Where ? Tell again .
- In the night club ok ? And I destroyed my favourite skirt.
- The blue one ?
- Yeah.
- Ok. Let's go do some shopping .I will buy you a checkered shirt.
- Thanks .
- Hey Patrick !
- Hi Ian!
- Did you hear about today's birthday ?
- No, I didn't .
- Okay I tell you . Monica have today birthday.
- What about that ?
- We should buy her something.
-Maybe some clothes . What do you think.
- Nice idea. But which one ?
- Yesterday I saw awesome blouse with her favourite band .
- Wow . We must buy it .
- Let's go !