Nie wiem jaką jesteś osobą, jakie masz wady i zalety. Mogę jedynie podrzucić Ci wzór
a ty sobie pozamieniasz niektóre przymiotniki
Hi! My name is....
I am a very polite and friendly person to everyone, but I can be malicious if somebody is very annoying me. I like to help other people and talk with them. I know that they trust me and they know that they could tell me everything. I'm stubborn but in good meaning. If I said that I will do something, than I'm doing it. Besides, my big disadvantage is that I'm very lazy and sometimes I only want to stay in bed all the day and don't do anything. I'm also very impulsive and sometimes a really little thing is enough to make me angry.
In my free time I like to read books, draw, watch films, listen to music, or meet my friends and go somewhere with them. To cinema, or to the pizzeria.
Nie wiem jaką jesteś osobą, jakie masz wady i zalety. Mogę jedynie podrzucić Ci wzór
a ty sobie pozamieniasz niektóre przymiotniki
Hi! My name is....
I am a very polite and friendly person to everyone, but I can be malicious if somebody is very annoying me. I like to help other people and talk with them. I know that they trust me and they know that they could tell me everything. I'm stubborn but in good meaning. If I said that I will do something, than I'm doing it. Besides, my big disadvantage is that I'm very lazy and sometimes I only want to stay in bed all the day and don't do anything. I'm also very impulsive and sometimes a really little thing is enough to make me angry.
In my free time I like to read books, draw, watch films, listen to music, or meet my friends and go somewhere with them. To cinema, or to the pizzeria.