Christmas,Nativity of the Lord-in the tradition ofthe Christianfeastcommemoratingthebirth of JesusChrist.It is a permanentliturgicalcelebrationon December 25.Christmasis preceded by athree-weekwaitingperiod(exactly fourSundays), calledAdvent.
In thechurchesthat stillcelebrate theliturgyaccording tothe Julian calendar(the so-calledEastern Churches, mainlyGreek CatholicChurchand the Orthodox Church), Christmas Dayfalls onDecember 25the Julian calendar,on Jan. 7that isnowthe Gregorian calendar.
At night, usuallyat midnight,in the churches ofthe Roman CatholicMassbegins withthe solemnmidnight masscalled.The next day(25 December) is calledChristmas,andDecember 26inPoland,the secondday of the holidayscelebratedin memory ofSt.Stephen, the firstmartyr of theChristian faith.Duringthe liturgicalcolorof Christmas iswhite.
In countries with atradition ofthe Catholic, Orthodoxand ProtestantChristmas Dayis a day offfrom work.In most countries(including Poland)off from workisalso the secondday of Christmas(in the UKknown asBoxing Day).
Christmas,Nativity of the Lord-in the tradition ofthe Christianfeastcommemoratingthebirth of JesusChrist.It is a permanentliturgicalcelebrationon December 25.Christmasis preceded by athree-weekwaitingperiod(exactly fourSundays), calledAdvent.
In thechurchesthat stillcelebrate theliturgyaccording tothe Julian calendar(the so-calledEastern Churches, mainlyGreek CatholicChurchand the Orthodox Church), Christmas Dayfalls onDecember 25the Julian calendar,on Jan. 7that isnowthe Gregorian calendar.
At night, usuallyat midnight,in the churches ofthe Roman CatholicMassbegins withthe solemnmidnight masscalled.The next day(25 December) is calledChristmas,andDecember 26inPoland,the secondday of the holidayscelebratedin memory ofSt.Stephen, the firstmartyr of theChristian faith.Duringthe liturgicalcolorof Christmas iswhite.
In countries with atradition ofthe Catholic, Orthodoxand ProtestantChristmas Dayis a day offfrom work.In most countries(including Poland)off from workisalso the secondday of Christmas(in the UKknown asBoxing Day).