Napisz streszczenie o Mulanu . ( na angielskim przerabiamy mulana po angielsku i mamy napisać o nim streszczenie ) proszę was o pomoc . .
p.s. napisać trzeba po angielsku .
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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For itself a certain girl lives in China aboutname Mulan.When for her the father is staying called to the war, Mulan is deciding to dress up as the man and to go instead of it. He is praying to his ancestors for protection and happiness, before vacates the house changed into the armour of one's father. Ancestors are waking up and are deciding for sending Mushu - of small dragon which at one time was downgraded since he disgraced himself, would set off behind Mulan and got I safely home. The dragon agrees to it, but when is meeting the girl, is starting realizing that he won't be able to dissuade for her from made already deciding. He is deciding so to grant her all possible help in the perilous expedition
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