Napisz speaking po angielsku o szkole alternatywnej. Na czym ona polega, co ci się w niej podoba, a co nie .
powyżej 8 zdań .
Na czym polega szkoła alternatywna (wyjaśnienie)
Uczniowie uczą się tego co jest tylko wymagane, mogą wybierać nauczyciela i czego będą się uczyć. Zdaniem nauczycieli to wpływa na ich kreatywność i myślenie. Nauka odbywa się w osobnych kabinach (klassach) w których komunikują się za pomocą słuchawek i mikrofonów.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Alternative School is a special kind of school where students choose themselves what do they want to learn and they choose teacher, who say that it increase children’s creativity. The studying takes place in separate classes, where students communicate by headphones and microphones. I think it’s nice, to choose subjects, but teenagers sometimes are lazy and don’t want to study. That’s why they won’t choose this or that subject. It won’t end well for them in the future. But if students know what they want to do, I’ll agree that it increases their creativity and helps them become more mature. In other hand, that kind of school reminds me about seclusion, when it comes to studying in separate classes. Generally I think it’s strange and except choosing subjects by myself I wouldn’t like to study in school like this. When I think “school” I can see a lot of children playing and talking to each other. Alternative School reminds me about some kind of prison. It really gives me chills.