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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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12.09.2012 r. Miejscowość
Dear Sir or Madame,
I am writing to You, because I would like to complain about a trip Your company has organised.
I bought a trip to Spain with breakfasts and full visiting plan, but I was disappointed. The food had no quality and it tasted like it was expired and also You should know that the plane was 5 hours late and our group was supposed to came back to home by bus. That was unbelivable! I arrived to Poland at 2:00 o'clock in the morning and I was exhausted. That was defenitely the worst trip I have ever been on. So I think You should return my money back or at least propose me a new trip instead.
I think we can solve this problem soon. I look forward for Your response.
Yours faithfully,