Napisz radę po angielsku do poniższego problemu. - My boyfriend has given me a T-shirt for my birthday, but I hate it. Don't tell him that you don't like it. Wear it anyway. Tell him you don't like it. Ask if you can take it back to the shop and change it.
Don't make him warried. Never. Remember that. But if you hate you t-shirt, don't let him see that and just be nice to him because he wanted to make you happy. But if he knows about that you don't like t-shirt, say that you're sorry, but you don't like t-shirt in this style.
Don't make him warried. Never. Remember that. But if you hate you t-shirt, don't let him see that and just be nice to him because he wanted to make you happy. But if he knows about that you don't like t-shirt, say that you're sorry, but you don't like t-shirt in this style.