Napisz przemówienie na temat spożywania alkoholu przez młodzież i o tym jak to wpływa na naszą moralność, społeczeństwo i edukacje.
Ma to wyglądać mniej więcej tak:
wstęp-o problemie spożywania alkoholu i jego szkodliwości,
rozwinięcie-osobno o wpływie na każdy z aspektów (moralność, społeczeństwo, edukacja i co do edukacji to obniżenie poziomów i słabsza nauka młodzieży na przestrzeni lat),
zakończenie-jakieś podsumowanie.
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Drinking the alcohol is dangerous addiction which more often affects youth. The alcohol can damage some parts of our brain and makes people after regular consumption very vexed. Besides youth waste very much money for it. Many of young people think that without alcohol there is no fun.
Long-term drinking of alcohol can affects on our morality. Our value system can subject a change - addicted people can do everything just to gain money for alcohol. In society there are changes occur too. Addicted people have some problems with communicate with people. Because of drinking the alcohol they unconsciously change their behavior. They are often irritated, bad-tempered and unfocused. Also on education level there are changes too. Addicted students very often can't be focus on lessons, they are lower in learning and they neglect their future because of disregard of school.
In sum everything is for people, but we all should know how much and when we can drinking alcohol. No-one should exaggerate with it.