Ideal school" I will begin from this maybe, that pool at ideal school should be and splendid fields to foot ball, retina and basket-ball. I will write Natępnie, that small home works at ideal school have to be given. To be for pupils women powinne indulgent, and they should them well estimate also. Only good things on canteens have to be, and sometimes ice-creams and hamburgers. It was comically to gdyby fair fun on terrain of school was. It at ideal school was can not fight and all have to be solid. Such principle at such school would reign, that on Mondays and can not put in bad opinions Thursdays. To notify in year every pupil mozę five so called "not preparations". Sport tournaments in splendid school should be organized. Also very a lot of discos should Be. Mam nadzieję, że jest w miarę dobrze :)
Ideal school"
I will begin from this maybe, that pool at ideal school should be and splendid fields to foot ball, retina and basket-ball. I will write Natępnie, that small home works at ideal school have to be given. To be for pupils women powinne indulgent, and they should them well estimate also. Only good things on canteens have to be, and sometimes ice-creams and hamburgers. It was comically to gdyby fair fun on terrain of school was. It at ideal school was can not fight and all have to be solid. Such principle at such school would reign, that on Mondays and can not put in bad opinions Thursdays. To notify in year every pupil mozę five so called "not preparations". Sport tournaments in splendid school should be organized. Also very a lot of discos should Be.
Mam nadzieję, że jest w miarę dobrze :)