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Dear agony uncle,
I am student of Junior High School . Everything was fine ,until my best friend hasn't started to smoke . She started to consort with insurgent group of schoolboys. The only thing which connects them are cigarettes. I can't forbite her to keep in touch with them ,but iam losting my friend a bit more every day . We have stopped to go swimming together, like we did . We don't spend together lunch breaks . I am afriad of her , her health and our friendship. What can I do ,to save it ? Please ,answer as soon as it's possible because I really don't know what to do .
Best regards
xyz (imię)
Dear (imię) ,
Thank you for your letter . That's really hard problem and I'm so sorry for you . Your friend is so lucky, you are her real friend . Let her see that you care about her in contradistinction to her fake friends . You have to talk to her ,and with her other good friends . If it didn't help ,you should go to her parents. Only conversation can help . I wsh you so much luck ,and send me a letter how is it and if you got your friend back .
Take care
agony uncle