October 2018 1 20 Report

Napisz podanie z prośbą do dyrektora szkoły o nie zmienianie butów na szmaciane z powodu zmian skórnych stup . NA ZARAZ POMOCY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Witam proszę o sprawdzenie tej pracy czy jest ona napisana poprawnie po względem gramatycznym itd.Computers in our lives have become a thing absolutely necessary. They are everywhere around us - on the bus in the form of machines to sell tickets, parking lots, in stores as cash registers, barcode scanners, chips. All this is based on computer technology, communications. Computers have become an inseparable companion of all our day. They are already on airplanes, cars, motorcycles, accompany us on the road, at work, at home, the office, at the doctor. Absolutely no area of life probably is not able to do without the existence of computers. Everything is controlled mechanically, virtually no one does anything manually. All such activities are unified and computerized so as to require the least effort of human resources, and thus to become more cheaper. After all, computers do not have to pay, no need to send them to leave or sickness. They are always available. They never get tired, do not whine, do not strike. However, the superiority of humans over computers is one, but not to replace, and not to pass at the moment. Well, computers lack the ability to think creatively, build, and the imagination and dreams, of course. The computer does not feel anything, no heart problems. However, if an error occurs, the machine will be able to just turn off, can not by itself fix the error. Well, unless you have uploaded a program that will issue the appropriate command to him that he will be able to do. Then, and yes, your computer will be able to fix its own mistakes, but it is not creative thinking - abstract, about which I speak now. The computer can not think of anything himself. He just plays, listens, performs. A very simple mechanism which, however, for some human beings seem to be far too complicated. Therefore, human beings are always inclined to that sow unrest and rebellion, and to just put the power to remain in opposition and not to manipulate them.Tylko proszę żeby to nie było sprawdzone za pomocą google tłumacz tylko przez osobę ogarniętą w angielskim . Thx . Leci naj

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