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B) kiedy tam przyjechales\
c)czym pojechales
d) gdzie sie zatrzymałeś
e) co robiłes
F) jaka byla pogoda
G) czy ci sie podobalo
oczywiscie po angielsku w czasie Past simple..
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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A week agotogetherwith my familyset offto sea.
It wasAugust 27this year.We wentby car,andstoppedhalf waybecause it wasso warmthat itwasnotpossible tocontinue driving.Alongwith my auntI playedvolleyball.It was verysunny!
I lovedand I hopetogothereyet!
Hi Greg
I wanted towritethat I wasrecentlyat the lake.I arrivedthereon Friday morning.I reallyliked itthere.I played indifferent games,I metnicefriends,I ateice creamandsailedtheyacht.It waswarm and sunnybut thentheweatheralreadysobrokeI had tofleeunder thetent.I forgotto tellyouthat I wasstillthereby train.Veryfun to berode, it was aniceday andtherewould be betterif youwerethou.
myślę że pomogłam ;))