Hello [imię do kogo wysyłasz pocztówkę]! It's [Twoje imię] here! I'm writting to you because I'm in Scotland. I just wanted you to know. I have to say this place is AMAZING! I'm in shock. I wish I could be here longer. It's raining now, but that doesn't matter. I am good. I'm sitting next to my brother and we are talking. Unfortunately we have to leave in few days. I hope you're good too! Bye!
It's [Twoje imię] here! I'm writting to you because I'm in Scotland. I just wanted you to know. I have to say this place is AMAZING! I'm in shock. I wish I could be here longer. It's raining now, but that doesn't matter. I am good. I'm sitting next to my brother and we are talking. Unfortunately we have to leave in few days.
I hope you're good too! Bye!