Napisz pocztówkę z wakacji do przyjaciela w anglii, w której opiszesz:
1. Gdzie jesteś, co robisz codziennie, jaka jest pogoda, czy ci się tu podoba, z kim jesteś.
2. jakie masz plany na jutro
3. kiedy wracasz do domu.
Musi być min. 100 słów. Po angielsku. Proszę nie popełniać błędów i nie korzystać najelpiej z translatora, bo on robi dużo błędow.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear (imię),
How are you ? This is the best of all summer holidays . I'm in a trip to Paris .
It is so wonderful here, the weathe is amazing its so warm ,sunnt and sky is pure. I really love this place , in my opinion Paris is the most beautiful city in whole Europe. I am here with my best friend , you met her on my birthday party in May ,do you remember ? This girl with pony tail . It's ok if you don't , i will show you her on our pictues of this trip when i will be at home . We are going to go sightseeing The Eiffel Tower tomorrow and finally eat frog's legs in one of french restaurants .
I will be back home in next saturday ,then i will send you more about my trip to Paris .
Take care