Napisz pocztówkę do znajomego w Anglii,w której poinformuj go o swoich niezbyt udanych wakacjach nad jeziorem.Zamieść informacje o: -Brzydkiej pogodzie -Złych warunkach na polu namiotowym -Okropnym towarzystwie -Nudnym pobycie
Hi! How are you? I hope, you had better holidys than I. On my summer holidays I was on camp near to the lake. was bad, all the time was raining, so we couldn't make a walk. A lot of time I must spend in my tent, where was boring and people were terrible. They didn't joking and they weren't interesting. Place in which we were was dirty and we hadn't got a water. It wasn't a good camp. I must end, we will talk later, (imię).
How are you? I hope, you had better holidys than I. On my summer holidays I was on camp near to the lake. was bad, all the time was raining, so we couldn't make a walk. A lot of time I must spend in my tent, where was boring and people were terrible. They didn't joking and they weren't interesting. Place in which we were was dirty and we hadn't got a water. It wasn't a good camp.
I must end, we will talk later,