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UsuallyI get upat 11When Ieatbreakfast anddoall mychoressuch ascleaning, I havefree time.FrequentlyI go tomy friendsorto yoursister'scousinandspendthis timetogether.Sometimes it isso thatI gosomewhereforlarger purchases,orto the movies.But whenthebad weather,itrainsorreadthe bookdeals withhisdog.Nevernotboredin the eveningon Saturdaybecausemy dadalwaysinventsome kind ofentertainmentsuch asplayingboard games.If that's nottoo latetowatch televisionorplay computer games.Althoughmymotheroftenturns offthe computerI will notspoilyoureyes.Well,more or lessI spenda freeSaturday.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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UsuallyI get upat 11When Ieatbreakfast anddoall mychoressuch ascleaning, I havefree time.FrequentlyI go tomy friendsorto yoursister'scousinandspendthis timetogether.Sometimes it isso thatI gosomewhereforlarger purchases,orto the movies.But whenthebad weather,itrainsorreadthe bookdeals withhisdog.Nevernotboredin the eveningon Saturdaybecausemy dadalwaysinventsome kind ofentertainmentsuch asplayingboard games.If that's nottoo latetowatch televisionorplay computer games.Althoughmymotheroftenturns offthe computerI will notspoilyoureyes.Well,more or lessI spenda freeSaturday.