Napisz po Angielsku zdania ( dialogi) według podanych info..
-Zapytaj co proponują na przystawkę
-zamów coś na 2-gie danie
zamów coś do picia
-Poproś o podanie menu
-zamów coś na przystawkę
-zamów coś na deser
-odmów picie
-Poproś o przystawkę
-poinformuj kelnera co chcesz na przystawkę
-zamów drugie danie
-zamów deser
4Poproś o menu
zamów przystawke zamów 2 danie
poinformuj kelnera, że danie jest nieświeże
5 Poinformuj kelnera co chcesz na przystawkę
zamów drugie danie
zamów deser
poproś o rachunek
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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- Welcome. How can I help you?
- What you propose for a snack?
- I think that rhe best snack is fish and chips. Do you want second dish?
- I want to order a chicken and potatoes for second dish.
- Ok. Anything else?
- Can you bring me somethink to drink? For example water please.
- God morning. How can I help you?
- Can you give me the menu?
- Yes, plese. Here you are.
- I want to order a tomatoe salad for a snack.
- Do you want something for a dessert?
- I want to order a ice creams for dessert.
- I propose something to drink. Do you want it?
- I don't want anything to dring.
- Welcome. how can I help you?
- Can I get the snack ?
- Yes of course.
- I want a onion soup for a snack.
- Ok. Something else?
- I want to order a second dish: Fish with rice.
- I have written. What do you want for a dessert?
- I want to Small cherry cake.
- God morning. How can I help you?
- Can you give me the menu?
- Yes, please. What do you want to eat?
- I want to order the snack: rice salad.
- Ok. Do you want second dish?
- I want to order second dish: mushrooms soup.
- here you are. This is your dishes.
- Ms Waiter , this dish is stale!
- God morning. How can I help you?
- I want a cabage salad for a snack.
- Do you want something for second dish?
- I want to order a second dish: rice and chicken.
- How about dessert?
- I want to order a dessert : cherry ice-cerams.
- Here you are. Bon apetit!
- Can you bring me the bill, please.