Napisz po Angielsku, treść zadania : Odwiedził cie dawno niewidziany kuzyn. W liście do wspólnego znajomego z Angli napisz : - kiedy rozpoczęła sie wizyta kuzyna - jak od ostatniego spotkania zmienił sie jego wygląd - jak zmienił sie jego styl ubierania. Podpisz sie jako XYZ. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z trzech podpunktów, pamiętając że długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 50 do 100 słów. na dziś. pilne. prosze o pomoc
How's life? Hope you're OK! I must tell you something, yesterday my cousing came to visit me ! I was at home playing computer games and my telephone started to ringing, so i answered and it was him ! He said that he's waiting under my doors. So i ran to open and he wasn't lying . I must say he has changed very. very much than last time we saw him. He cut his hair, he's wearing black glasses and i think he looks now much better. But that's not all ! He had some expensive shoes. He's all outfit was nice. I think now he's way better than the old times ! I want you to see him, so come to me ! He's still here but only for 3 days so hurry up !
How's life? Hope you're OK!
I must tell you something, yesterday my cousing came to visit me !
I was at home playing computer games and my telephone started to ringing, so i answered and it was him ! He said that he's waiting under my doors. So i ran to open and he wasn't lying . I must say he has changed very. very much than last time we saw him. He cut his hair, he's wearing black glasses and i think he looks now much better. But that's not all ! He had some expensive shoes. He's all outfit was nice. I think now he's way better than the old times ! I want you to see him, so come to me ! He's still here but only for 3 days so hurry up !
Waiting for answer, XYZ
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