Hi, How areyou?I'mjustin aclasstrip toKrakow.We stayedat a hotel nearRondo Grunwaldzkie.I've never beenin such anoutstandinghotel.Itisfull ofattractions.We are herefor a week,but so farwe didn't goonanytrips.Almost every daywe spendfree timein the Rynek Krakowski.Anyway,I'm veryhappy with thechoice ofour class,which dealt withthe townandthe hotel. GreetMary, I hopethatassoonwemeet again.
How are you? I'm just in a class trip to Krakow. We stayed at a hotel near Rondo Grunwaldzkie. I've never been in such an outstanding hotel. It is full of attractions. We are here for a week, but so far we didn't go on any trips. Almost every day we spend free time in the Rynek Krakowski. Anyway, I'm very happy with the choice of our class, which dealt withthe town and the hotel.
Greet Mary, I hope that as soon we meet again.