Today it was at school very funny. During the lesson I sorted the PE out oneself with my friend and we mistook our blouses, since are the same. Not about it and this way dressed go after the school. For her the blouse was on me too small, and my to it too big. Friends told us only about it. It was very funny.
Moja wychowawczyni miała urodziny ,wiec postanowilismy jej kupic torta . Kolezanka szła z tym tortem i chciała otworzyc drzwi do klasy .. nie zdarzyla , bo z klasy wyszla nasza wychowawczyni Kolezanka sie tak przestraszyla ,ze ten tort wyladowal na bluzce wychowawczyni Do tej pory jak patrze na wychowawczynie to sie smieje
A po przetłumaczeniu:
My teacher had a birthday, so we decided to buy the cake. Friend, went with this cake and wanted to open the door to class .. not occurred because of the class, our teacher friend came home in August so frightened that this cake landed on the blouse teacher so far as educators look for the laughs
Today it was at school very funny. During the lesson I sorted the PE out oneself with my friend and we mistook our blouses, since are the same. Not about it and this way dressed go after the school. For her the blouse was on me too small, and my to it too big. Friends told us only about it. It was very funny.
Po Polsku to:
Moja wychowawczyni miała urodziny ,wiec postanowilismy jej kupic torta . Kolezanka szła z tym tortem i chciała otworzyc drzwi do klasy .. nie zdarzyla , bo z klasy wyszla nasza wychowawczyni Kolezanka sie tak przestraszyla ,ze ten tort wyladowal na bluzce wychowawczyni Do tej pory jak patrze na wychowawczynie to sie smieje
A po przetłumaczeniu:
My teacher had a birthday, so we decided to buy the cake. Friend, went with this cake and wanted to open the door to class .. not occurred because of the class, our teacher friend came home in August so frightened that this cake landed on the blouse teacher so far as educators look for the laughs