I want be in the world basketball championship, i love this sport, when they're throwing this ball long like hell, when they're dribble that good, that will be very good exprience for me.
I would take part in theeuropeanchampionshipsin volleyball. Mypassionisplayingvolleyball , I play five years.I gotoextraclassesafter school.I hopeI succeedin the futureto take partin the championshipofEurope torepresent Poland.
Chcialabym wziac udzial w ME w siatkowce. Moja pasja jest wlasnie granie. Gram od 5 lat.Chodze na dodatkowe zajecia po szkole. Mam nadzieje ze uda mi sie w przyszlosci wziac udzial w mistrzostwach europy aby reprezentowac polske Mam nadzieje ze sie przyda:) staralam sie jak moglam.
I want be in the world basketball championship, i love this sport, when they're throwing this ball long like hell, when they're dribble that good, that will be very good exprience for me.
I think its a nice dream and i hope it will pass.
I would take part in the european championships in volleyball. My passion is playing volleyball , I play five years.I go to extra classes after school. I hope I succeed in the future to take part in the championship of Europe to represent Poland.
Chcialabym wziac udzial w ME w siatkowce. Moja pasja jest wlasnie granie. Gram od 5 lat.Chodze na dodatkowe zajecia po szkole. Mam nadzieje ze uda mi sie w przyszlosci wziac udzial w mistrzostwach europy aby reprezentowac polske
Mam nadzieje ze sie przyda:) staralam sie jak moglam.