Cricketmatchesare playedon a grassyfieldforclose toan ovalshapeinthe middle of whichis aflat striplength of20.12mat the ends ofthe beltare setgoal-driven into the groundthreewoodenstakesplayerone teamthrowsa hardballof corkskinobłożonego,with a circumference of224-229mm,in the direction ofthe oppositegoal,so thatithitaplayeron the otherteamdefends itfrom being hitwith a woodenstick.
Nieco więcej niż trzy zdania, ale w tym jest w sumie wszystko :)
the circkit is a game which are playing two teams in it. Each team has 11 people in them. They play it in the big field. Each team has a turn to bat and the team which get the most points wins.
Cricketmatchesare playedon a grassyfieldforclose toan ovalshapeinthe middle of whichis aflat striplength of20.12mat the ends ofthe beltare setgoal-driven into the groundthreewoodenstakesplayerone teamthrowsa hardballof corkskinobłożonego,with a circumference of224-229mm,in the direction ofthe oppositegoal,so thatithitaplayeron the otherteamdefends itfrom being hitwith a woodenstick.
Nieco więcej niż trzy zdania, ale w tym jest w sumie wszystko :)
the circkit is a game which are playing two teams in it. Each team has 11 people in them. They play it in the big field. Each team has a turn to bat and the team which get the most points wins.