Two teams play basketball, for (after) five sportsmen each. Canvass of point is purpose of all of team for custom (relevant) casts (throws) for basket of opponent and prevention will will get by opposite team canvass of point. Judges take care of proper (suitable) course of game, judges stolikowi and commissioner. Team become (stay) winner of match, which (who) will will get large number of point to the end of time of game. Baskets are placed on height 3,05 meter (subway). Points are received for placing ball in basket point for imitated (managed) personal cast (throw) from line of free cast (throw) for cast (throw) from share (action) from small distance 1 2 points executed than line of cast (throw) it for three for cast (throw) out of line of cast (throw) for three in (to) for game points 3 points points flat ( 6,75 m ) [ 7,24 m ] sports field NBA, hard free surface from barriers, about dimension (measurements) 28 m of length and 15 m of width (latitude), from internal edge of line gauged limiting sports field.
3 second mistake - Attack player is in limited area ( "coffin") without ball or doesnt pass to friend or doesnt throw per 3 sec. Błąd 3 sekund- Gdy gracz ataku przebywa w obszarze ograniczonym (tzw. "trumna") bez piłki lub nie podaje do żadnego z przyjaciół lub nie rzuca do kosza przez 3 sekundy. 5 second mistake - Player after resuming ex. after getting points keep the ball on their half and doesnt start action per 5 second. Ball is giving to opponent. Błąd 5 sekund- Gracz po wznowieniu gry np. po zdobyciu punktu utrzymuje piłke na swojej połowie i nie zaczyna gry przez 5 sekund. Piłka oddawana jest przeciwnikowi. 8 second mistake- Team have to play on opponent's half in 8 seconds after resuming. Drużyna musi wyprowadzić piłkę na połowę przeciwnika w 8 sekund po wznowieniu. Throw in - Ball leave the floor, opponent resume game where ball leave. Aut- Piłka opuszcza plac gry, przeciwnik wznawia gre gdzie piłka opuściła plac. Reszte znajdź sobie sam/sama. Wystarczy wejść w google tłumacza i na wikipedie ;)
Two teams play basketball, for (after) five sportsmen each. Canvass of point is purpose of all of team for custom (relevant) casts (throws) for basket of opponent and prevention will will get by opposite team canvass of point. Judges take care of proper (suitable) course of game, judges stolikowi and commissioner. Team become (stay) winner of match, which (who) will will get large number of point to the end of time of game. Baskets are placed on height 3,05 meter (subway). Points are received for placing ball in basket point for imitated (managed) personal cast (throw) from line of free cast (throw) for cast (throw) from share (action) from small distance 1 2 points executed than line of cast (throw) it for three for cast (throw) out of line of cast (throw) for three in (to) for game points 3 points points flat ( 6,75 m ) [ 7,24 m ] sports field NBA, hard free surface from barriers, about dimension (measurements) 28 m of length and 15 m of width (latitude), from internal edge of line gauged limiting sports field.
3 second mistake - Attack player is in limited area ( "coffin") without ball or doesnt pass to friend or doesnt throw per 3 sec.
Błąd 3 sekund- Gdy gracz ataku przebywa w obszarze ograniczonym (tzw. "trumna") bez piłki lub nie podaje do żadnego z przyjaciół lub nie rzuca do kosza przez 3 sekundy.
5 second mistake - Player after resuming ex. after getting points keep the ball on their half and doesnt start action per 5 second. Ball is giving to opponent.
Błąd 5 sekund- Gracz po wznowieniu gry np. po zdobyciu punktu utrzymuje piłke na swojej połowie i nie zaczyna gry przez 5 sekund. Piłka oddawana jest przeciwnikowi.
8 second mistake- Team have to play on opponent's half in 8 seconds after resuming.
Drużyna musi wyprowadzić piłkę na połowę przeciwnika w 8 sekund po wznowieniu.
Throw in - Ball leave the floor, opponent resume game where ball leave.
Aut- Piłka opuszcza plac gry, przeciwnik wznawia gre gdzie piłka opuściła plac.
Reszte znajdź sobie sam/sama. Wystarczy wejść w google tłumacza i na wikipedie ;)