Napisz po angielsku dialog miedzy przyjaciółmi (jeden z nich był wczoraj w kinie) pytania: jaki film obejrzał?ile kosztował bilet?o czym był film ?co kupił przed wejściem? na co zamiar ma jeszcze iśc? z kim był i czy podobał mu się film?dopisz coś od siebie:D 1 strona w zeszycie Prosze nie róbcie to w google
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- Hello, how are you? What film did you watch yesterday?
- Hi, fine, thanks. It was "Hobbit".
- How about a plot?
-It was a history about travel with wizard Gandalf and 13 dwarfs to get te better of dragon Smauga.
-Oh, it souds really good! What did you buy before you watch the film?
- I bought same chips and bottle of coke.
- Okey, so will you go to cinema tomorrow? What film do you choose?
-Yes, of course. I have got free ticket. I want to watch it agin but with other friends.
-Who was your companion?
-My friend Camilla. It was funny time because film was amazing.
-So I can go with you, if you want.
-Okey. It will be wonderfull time!