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Hello (tu napisz imie kolezanki)
I'm so sorry because only today i found time to write to you :) I've got so much to tell you!! well... i like my school.
I wake up at 6 o’clock . I wash up, I put my clothes and eat breakfast. Next I go to tram at 7.05 . I go to school until 30 minutes. I begin my lessons at 8 o'clock. I usually spend seven hours at school. First lesson on Tuesday is English. I don’t like this subjects because I don’t like foreign languages. Next we have P.E . We always play volleyball or basketball. Later We have two polish lessons. I like this subject because my teacher is nice for students. She is always prepared to lesson. I think polish grammar is very helpful in adult live but my favorite is literature. After polish is long break and we can eat breakfast. Next we have physics. In this subject we carry experiments and study. Physics is very difficult for me. Finally after the physics is math. This is my favorite subject. mathematics is very useful and easy. I finish school at 13.20 and I come back to home. I’m very tired .Next I do my homework and I watch tv or surf the net. Before this I eat dinner and help my mum in kitchen.
I have a wonderful time. How are you? Do you like your school? Do you know nice Irish's writer book? I'm waiting for your quick answer.
Warszawa, 20.03.2012r.
Droga Kate!
Na początku listu chciałam Cię pozdrowić a równocześnie przeprosić, że tak długo nie pisałam. Było to spowodowane brakiem czasu.
Dziś chciałabym Ci opisać mój typowy dzień w szkole. Zaczyna się on od tego, że muszę wstaćo 7 rano aby zdążyć n autobus o 7.30. Lekcje natomiast rozpoczynam o 8.00 i najczęsciej kończę o 16.20. Przerwy między lekcjami trwają 10 lub 15 minut. Niestety uczniowie naszej szkoły nie noszą mundurków, czyli specjalnych stroii. Osobiście jednak uważam, że te stroje powinny być. W szkole mogę sobie kupić bułki na śniadanie a nawet obiad, który składa się z zupy i drugiego dania. A jak wygląda dzień u Ciebie w szkole? Opisz mi w swoim liście. I mam jedną prożbę do Ciebie, czy mogłabyć mi polecić jakąś ciekawą książkę irlandzkiego pisarza?
Z niecierpliwością czekam na Twój list.
Warsaw, 20.03.2012r.
Expensive Kate!
I wanted to greet You on the beginning of the letter and to apologize simultaneously that I did not write so long. This caused the lack of the time was.
I would like You today to describe my typical day at the school. He begins from this, that I have to wstaćo 7 in the morning to to be on time n the bus about 7.30. I begin lessons however about 8.00 and najczęsciej I finish about 16.20. Pauses between lessons last 10 or 15 minutes. The pupils of our school do not carry uniforms unfortunately, that is special stroii. I however believe personally that these dresses should be. I can buy rolls on the breakfast at the school and even the dinner which consists of soup and second dish. And as does the day look at You at the school? Describe me in your letter. Do and I have one prożbę to You, if to recommend me mogłabyć the Irish writer some interesting book?
I wait for Your letter with impatience.