Napisz opowiadanie, w którym nieszczęśliwe zdarzenie w szkole miało pozytywne konsekwencje dla bohatera.
w ostateczności może być po polsku, aczkolwiek wolałabym zarówno po polsku jak i angielsku.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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When I was in third grade, I wanted to have a Superman watch just like all my friends. I begged my parents but they wouldn't buy me one. I felt like I was the only person in the whole school that didn't have one and I felt very uncool.
One day after gym class I was in the locker room changing my clothes when I noticed that someone had left his Superman watch there. I picked it up and quickly put it in my pocket. I looked around to see if anyone had seen me. Nobody. Now I had a watch, too. I felt very happy and very cool.
But then slowly I started to feel strange. I felt like everyone was looking at me strangely. I thought I heard everyone whispering behind my back: thief, thief, thief. Then I noticed that a classmate was crying. I joined the other kids to see what was wrong: he was the one who lost his Superman watch. He said his parents would be very angry with him if he went home without it. My hands started sweating. My throat was dry. Our teacher came over and asked my classmate what was wrong. He could barely say anything; he was crying so much. Then the teacher looked at us and asked if we had seen the boy's watch. Everyone shook his head. The teacher looked at me and asked me, too. Why was she looking at me like that? Did she know that I was lying? I couldn't take it any longer and pulled out the watch from my pocket. And then I started crying.
After school the teacher called my parents. I was sure she would tell them that I was a thief and a liar and that they would spank me. But no. She said that I found the watch and gave it to the poor boy who had lost it. She said that I deserved thanks for being so honest. My parents hugged and kissed me and gave me more than thanks: they decided to buy me a Superman watch! But more importantly, I have never forgotten what this teacher had done for me.
Jak bylem w trzeciej klasie, chcialem miec zegarek z Supermanem, tak jak wszystcy moi koledzy. Blagalem rodzicow, ale mi nie kupili. Wydawalo mi sie, ze jestem jedyna osoba w calej szkola, ktora nie ma i bylem bardzo nie kul.
Ktoregos dnia po lekcji gimnastyki w przebieralni zauwazylem, ze ktos zostawil swoj zegarek z Supermanem. Podnioslem go i szybko wsunalem do kieszeni. Rozejrzalem sie, czy ktos mnie zauwazyl. Nikt. Teraz i ja mialem zegarek. Czulem sie bardzo szczesliwy i kul.
Ale powoli zaczalem sie czuc dziwnie. Czulem, jakby wszsytcy sie na mnie patrzyli. Myslalem, ze wszsyscy szeptaja za moimi plecami: zlodziej, zlodziej, zlodziej. Wtem zauwazylem, ze kolega z klasy placze. Dolaczylem do innych dzieci, aby zobaczyc, co mu dolega: to on zgubil zegarek z Supermanem. Mowil, ze gdyby wrocil do domu bez zegarka, jego rodzice byliby bardzo zli na niego. W dloni mi sie robilo mokro. W gardle mi sie robilo sucho. Nasza nauczycielka podeszla i spytala kolego, co mu dolegalo. Ledwo jej potrafil powiedziec, tak plakal. Nauczycielka spojzala na nas i spytala nas, czy nie widzielismy jego zegarka. Wszystcy trzesili glowa. Nauczycielka spojzala na mnie i spytala mnie tez. Dlaczego na mnie patrzala? Czy wiedziala, ze klamie? Nie mogle dluzej wytrzymac i wyjciagnalem zegarek z kieszeni. Ponownie zaczalem plakac.
Nauczycielka zadzwonila po moich rodzicow. Bylem pewien, ze powie im, ze jestem zlodziejem i klamczucha i ze dostane od nich. Ale nie. Powiedziala, ze znalazlem zegarek i oddalem biednemu chlopakowi, ktory go zgubil i ze zasluzylem na podziekowanie. Moi rodzice mnie przytulili i pocalowali i dali mi wiecej, niz dzieki: kupili mi zegarek z Supermanem! Ale najwazniejsze to to, ze ja nigdy nie zapomnialem tego, co ta nauczycielka zrobila dla mnie.