Napisz opowiadanie po angielsku(polska i ang wersja) na temat interesujących przeżyć ze swojego życia (1 dzień) (moze być wymyślone )
należy kierować sie punktami:
1. Opis historii( gdzie byłam, kto był ze mną ? itp.)
2. Należy stosować elementy zaskoczenia( np. suddenly , itp. )
3. uzywac zwrotów: later, a few minutes later, later on.. itp. )
4. opisać szeroko główne wydarzenia ( co sie stalo? jak sie czułam .. itp )
5. zakończenie. ( co sie stało na końcu ? jak ludzie zareagowali.. itp)
(Mała podpowiedz: można opisać dzień z wakacji pełen wrażeń .)
należy użyć minimum 200 słów.
Ps. to ma być napisane perfekcyjnie bo daje za to duzo punktów. należy użyć odpowiednich czasów. nie używac translatora!!
za najlepszą odp. dam NAJ ;**
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Yesterday I was in a park with my friends. We were strolling and talking about scholl. Kate was riding a bike. Suddenly, a men who was riding a bike, pulled Kate. She said "I can't feel my legs..." She was feeling very bad. A few minutes later, Alice rang Ambulance up. 5 minutes later, doctors were in a park. They said, that Kate must go to the hospital. We were schocked and afraid about Kate. I rang my father up, and then me and my friends went by his car to the hospital. Kate was lying in a bed. Her parents had knewn about the accident, and were going to the hospital. She said "I fell better than a half an hour ago. Doctor gove me this book. I am afraid about my competition in school. You know I must be there." When Kate's parenst arrived, the doctor told us, that we must go out, and that Kate need silence. We came to my house. My parents cooked a nice supper. My mummy told us we can visit Kate tommorow, after school. We wanted to do it now, but my mother was stubborn. She said, that the doctor is right. We were thinking that's no fair. We planed to be with Kate all evening tommorow.
215 słów