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Doghouse-domesticatedform ofthe graywolf,a mammalofthe Canidae familyof prey(Canidae),considered bysome to be thewolfsubspecies, andby some asa separate species[citation needed]describedundersynonymousnamesCanis lupusfamiliarisandCanisfamiliaris.Since itsdomestication, a number ofracesvery differentmorphology andcharacteristics and uses.Primaryracearosemainly as a resultof environmental pressureand theracetodaywas achievedas a result ofartificial selection. CarlLinnaeusdescribedscientificallydogin 1758under the nameCanisfamiliarisLinnaeus, 1758.In the same workLinnaeusdescribed thewolfasCanis lupus.Whenit was agreedthat the dogprobably camefrom the wolf, the name ofsystematic(scientific)doghas beenamended in accordancewith the rulesof zoological nomenclatureforCanislupusfamiliarisf- aform ofdomesticwolf, abbreviatedC.lfamiliaris.Due to thewidespreaduse offirstnames,whichLinnaeusgave thedog- Canisfamiliaris,in2003, theInternational Commission onZoological Nomenclaturehas committedthe use ofbothnames asvalidscientific names.BothCanis familiarisandCanislupusfamiliarissystematicnamesare validdomestic dog.This secondnamecan be treated assubspeciestrynominalnąnameor as asimplified notationdomesticated formnameCanis lupusfamiliarisf, depending onwhether youbelievethe domestic dogas a subspecies ofwolf.Preferably theseveral theoriesabout the origin ofthe domestic dog.Geneticstudies conductedin 2002suggested thatdogsdescended fromEurasianwolves,from whichdivergedabout125,000 yearsago, andeventuallycreateda separate species15-40thousand years ago.According to HansRaberargumentssupportingthis theoryare:
the similarityin the shape ofthe surface ofthe premolarsquarters
weight of thedog'sbrainis closestto the weightand volumeof the brainwolf (dogissmallerby about 30%,witha jackaldifferenceswere larger).This is due tothefact thatreducingthemuzzleof a dogrelative tothe skull.
blood tests,showingtheconstruction ofa particular group ofproteins,the largestsimilarityto the bloodwolf
ethologicalstudieshave confirmedthe convergence ofsocial behavioramong thepack of wolvesanda pack of dogs.
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