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In the picture I can see a boy holding skateboard. He's got dark curly hair and black, baggy clothes. He also have headphones on his neck but he isn't listening music. In the background I see bed, and lot of pictures hanging on the walls. Under the bed are lieing sneakers, and on the bed there are several books and laptop. This man may be teenager as well as 20 years old person.,r:1,s:0,i:160&iact=rc&dur=276&page=1&tbnh=180&tbnw=243&start=0&ndsp=15&tx=173&ty=65
In the picture I can see. A small white house, big mountains and river. I can see beautifull birch forest and spruce forest at the foot of the mountains. In the pictures color green predominates.
Mam nadzieję że pomogłem. Opis obrazka zaczynamy od "In the picture I can see..." i budujemy go w czasie Present Continuous. Musimy uważać na pisownie i końcówki 'a' , 'the' i umiejscowienie w przestrzeni: House is in front of the mountain.