Napisz opinię na temat życia w mieście (plusy i minusy), porównanie z życiem na wsi. Użyj zwrotów "in my opinion" , "i think", "becouse", "in the order side" itp. Z góry bardzo dziękuję! :)
In my opinion living in a town/city is very nice. You are a few steps away from any shop you really want. I think that living in a town gives you many fantastic opportunities such as eg. transport, if you don't have a car you can easily just grab a bus from the nearby bus stop. For me living in a village would not be as good as in a city, travelling to work from a village every day would waste a lot of your time. Unfortunately living in a city isn't perfect, the cars cause a lot of pollution, this is one of the reasons why it's not healthy for you to live in a city and that's why a lot of people would rather move to a village.
Unfortunately living in a city isn't perfect, the cars cause a lot of pollution, this is one of the reasons why it's not healthy for you to live in a city and that's why a lot of people would rather move to a village.