Napisz ogłoszenie zachęcające mieszkańców okolicy do odwiedzenia nowo powstałego centrum handlowego (podaj 3atrakcji,godziny otwarcia,2atrakcje dla dzieci, zachęć do odwiedzenia)
Proszę o pomoc i napisanie tego ogłoszenia PO ANGIELSKU, a nie tak jak niektórzy piszą po polsku...
Announcement. In Bialystok ul.Lipowa opened a new shopping mall "Alfa". Here you will find shops of various types of merchandise, restaurant and snack bars obsługi.Centrum is open between the hours of 6.00 am to 22.00.Dla children have been opened, eg: Cinema and climbing. I encourage you to visit our center certainly will not regret it.
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pita60 Opening of new shopping center will proceed has about hour 22 december 16.00 which power station, stores have , we have salons with toys stores child piękności.Dla and basins with balls. We invite cordially.
Opening of new shopping center will proceed has about hour 22 december 16.00 which power station, stores have , we have salons with toys stores child piękności.Dla and basins with balls. We invite cordially.