Napisz ogłoszenia: 1. Jesteś na stypendium na jednej z brytyjskich uczelni. W najbliższy weekend wynajętym samochodem wybierasz się do Edynburga. Napisz ogłoszenie, w którym - zaoferujesz miejsce w samochodzie w zamian za pokrycie części kosztów benzyny - oszacujesz koszt przejazdu - przedstawisz trasę przejazdu i poprosisz zainteresowanych o kontakt. 2. Poszukujesz kogoś, kto mógłby z Tobą prowadzić konwersacje z j. angielskiego. Napisz ogłoszenie, w którym - poinformujesz o swoim poziomie jezyka angielskiego - określisz zakres tematyczny konwersacji - zaproponujesz w zamian konwersacje z języka polskiego i wyjaśnisz jak sie z Tobą skontaktować. 3. Za namową nauczyciela j. angielskiego postanowiliście zorganizować targ z literaturą z krajów anglojęzycznych. Napisz ogłoszenie w języku angielskim do uczniów w Twojej szkole, w którym - podasz miejsce i czas odbywania sie targu - poprosisz o przyniesienieksiążek - wyjasnisz cel targu - zamieścisz informacje, ja skontaktować się z organizatorami.
I have got one free seat in my car in exchange for covering one half of cost of the petrol . The Journey will cost about 30Ł. I'm going from London through Leeds and Durham to Edinburgh in the morning of 4th of September . If you are interested call nak nak. Tel:1234567
Wanted Wanted English native speaker. My English is intermediate. Speaking will refer daily situations. I can offer Polish conversations in return. Call Anna Kowalski. Phone No 94955489.
3. Interested in English literature? English literature is very interesting and exciting. So we are organising a book fair for people interested in English literature. The book fair will take place on Saturday at 4 o'clock in the school! If you have some books written by English writers or poets bring them to the school. We are organising this fair to encourage you to read English books. We want to show how English culture is interesting and why it is important to read. By reading you can also improve your English language. If you want to contact us please call to us or find us in the school. Our phone number is: xxxxxxx.
Cheap travel!
I have got one free seat in my car in exchange for covering one half of cost of the petrol .
The Journey will cost about 30Ł.
I'm going from London through Leeds and Durham to Edinburgh in the morning of 4th of September .
If you are interested call nak nak. Tel:1234567
Wanted English native speaker. My English is intermediate. Speaking will refer daily situations. I can offer Polish conversations in return. Call Anna Kowalski. Phone No 94955489.
Interested in English literature?
English literature is very interesting and exciting. So we are organising a book fair for people interested in English literature. The book fair will take place on Saturday at 4 o'clock in the school! If you have some books written by English writers or poets bring them to the school. We are organising this fair to encourage you to read English books. We want to show how English culture is interesting and why it is important to read. By reading you can also improve your English language. If you want to contact us please call to us or find us in the school. Our phone number is: xxxxxxx.