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In the future,want to be acomputer scientist.
In this workfeelsGOD: D
I feelthat Idecide, andnobody hasanything to sayhere, because itmustbe!
Workingas a computercan bea super...but there aredrawbacks.
-Robiewhat he wants.
-I liketo do it.
-Putting yourself ata lossof vision.
-You put yourselfto UV rays.
I thinkenoughis enough.
In the future I would like to become a computer scientist. Like every job, this sort of job has not only advantages, but also a few drawbacks.
The main disadvantage of working as computer scientist is the time I need to spend on sitting in front of the computer screen. It is undoubtful that it has bad influence on people's eyes and can strongly damage our sight. Moreover, this job is connected with long hours of sitting, which is why many computer scients have health problems called lordosis.
Hovewer, despite the undeniable drawbacks, I want to concentrate on the positive aspects of the job. First of all we can't deny that this work is really well-paid - we know how important it is nowadays to earn money in order to have good life standarts. Additionally, this sort of job is closely connected to my interests so I would not only earn a lot of money, but also get satisfaction from my work.
Powiedz, ze ujdzie :D