Napisz o sobie po ang. (do jakiej chodzisz szkoły , do jakiej chodziłeś, wiek , imie itp.). 170 słów :). Napiszcie o sobie a ja to przeksztalce na mnie ^^
My name is Ania. I am 17 years old. I live in Cracow. I have two brothers and one sister. Now I am going to comprehensive school in Cracow. When I was younger I went to primary school, also in Cracow. My the best subjects are History and English. I have a lot of friends. My the best friend is Ola and she is 19. After school I do my homework and help my mum with the housework. Later I watch TV, and play volleyball with my friends, Rafał, Artur, Krzysiek and Hania. I love listening to music. I very often listen Green Day, Eminem or Akon. I love also mountains. Every year I go to the Polish mountains for a two week. After comprehensive school I want to be English teacher or guide, but I don't decide yet.
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Hej. Jestem Ania. Mam 14 lat i chodzę do 2 klasy gimnazjum. Chodzę też na dodatkowe zajęcia takie jak aerobik czy kółko matematyczne. Bardzo interesuję się muzyką. Nieraz występowałam w różnych spektaklach i w musicalach szkolnych. Drugą moją pasją jest natura. Uwielbiam chodzić na pole, łąki zbierać kwiatki. To jest dla mnie relaks i odpoczynek. Kocham to. Mam starszego brata Mateusza. ma 19 lat, już niedługo 20. Interesuje się tak jak ja muzyką. Nagrał płytę ze swoim kolegą i koleżanką. jest uzdolniony też w innym kierunku a mianowicie uprawia parkour. Główną ideą parkour jest pokonywanie przeszkód stojących na drodze w jak najefektywniejszy i jak najprostszy sposób. To jest bardzo trudna sztuka, ale mój brat ją potrafi i gdyby tylko chciał, mógłby daleko zajść, bo jest naprawdę dobry. Moja mama nazywa się Iwona a tata Tomasz. Mieszkam w dwupiętrowym domu, razem z dziadkami. Oni są na dole. W szkole radze sobie raczej dobrze. Najlepsze oceny mam z angielskiego, biologii i języka polskiego. Bardzo nie lubię przedmiotów ścisłych jak fizyka, chemia czy matematyka.
A tu po angielsku:
Hey. I'm Anne. I am 14 years and go up to 2 high school. I go also to the additional activities such as aerobics and choir. Very interested in music. Sometimes performed in various school productions and musicals. The second is the nature of my passion. I love to walk on the field, meadows collect flowers. It is for me to relax and unwind. I love it. I have an older brother Matthew. is 19 years old, soon 20 Interested in music as I do. Recorded an album with his colleague and friend. is talented in another direction namely the growing Parkour. The main idea of Parkour is to overcome obstacles in the most efficient and as straightforward as possible. This is a very difficult art, but my brother, it can, and if he wanted, he could get away, because it is really good. My mom called my dad Iwona and Tomasz. I live in a two-storey house, together with their grandparents. They are at the bottom. In the school cope rather well. The best assessment I have with English, biology and the Polish language. We do not like science subjects like physics, chemistry and mathematics.
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After school I do my homework and help my mum with the housework. Later I watch TV, and play volleyball with my friends, Rafał, Artur, Krzysiek and Hania.
I love listening to music. I very often listen Green Day, Eminem or Akon.
I love also mountains. Every year I go to the Polish mountains for a two week.
After comprehensive school I want to be English teacher or guide, but I don't decide yet.
A tu po angielsku:
Hey. I'm Anne. I am 14 years and go up to 2 high school. I go also to the additional activities such as aerobics and choir. Very interested in music. Sometimes performed in various school productions and musicals. The second is the nature of my passion. I love to walk on the field, meadows collect flowers. It is for me to relax and unwind. I love it. I have an older brother Matthew. is 19 years old, soon 20 Interested in music as I do. Recorded an album with his colleague and friend. is talented in another direction namely the growing Parkour. The main idea of Parkour is to overcome obstacles in the most efficient and as straightforward as possible. This is a very difficult art, but my brother, it can, and if he wanted, he could get away, because it is really good. My mom called my dad Iwona and Tomasz. I live in a two-storey house, together with their grandparents. They are at the bottom. In the school cope rather well. The best assessment I have with English, biology and the Polish language. We do not like science subjects like physics, chemistry and mathematics.
Nie wiem ile tu jest wyrazów, jakby co to skróć :)